Creating Digital opportunities

for talented Christians 

our Support

The Situation

In many countries, Christians face discrimination and unfair treatment in every walk of life but when it comes to the job market. it creates a devastating and long-lasting impact on individuals and communities at large.

In Pakistan, Christians are facing discrimination not only in the social spectrum but also institutional as well as through govt policies. As result, the community population in Pakistan is decreasing since the country was founded.

In Government and many non-government sectors discriminate against them by only hiring Christians for low paid cleaning jobs.

There are many talented and qualified Christians who are working in almost all fields and sectors but they face discrimination and unfair treatment when it comes to promotion, salary rise.

The Solution

Brilliant Branding is playing its part to deal with the situation by creating jobs in the digital sector for talented Christians in Pakistan. We train them and offer jobs according to their skillset. This does not only provide an opportunity to an individual to build their career but help to provide sustainable living for the family who is directly or indirectly dependent on them. With your business, we are able to train more individuals and offer them jobs as well as encouraging other organizations to participate in transforming the communities to self-sustain and improving their socio-economic conditions. We believe if more Christian organisations contribute to creating jobs for the communities, there would a slow but significant change in socio-economic condition and the communities who face discrimination in employment marketing would find jobs in their relevant skillset without being discriminated against their faith.

Your support is instrumental in transforming lives and uplifting the Christian community. There are several ways you can contribute:

Buy a Service from Us: With every digital service you purchase for your church or Christian charity, you help create opportunities for deserving individuals.

Donate: Even a little financial support from you can help Christian families living in non-Christian countries. With your help, we can reach more of our Christian brothers.

Sponsor: Sponsor our opportunity-creating modules and help us empower even more talented and deserving Christians

Together we can make a difference. Join our services and learn how you can support our cause. Together, we can create lasting change for Christians in disadvantaged and discriminated societies.

Partnering in Change

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We love partnering with great churches and ministries that are passionate about their good work.

Now you don’t need to worry about techy work. Finally, you have your own media team who will take care of all your digital needs at a remarkably affordable price.

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